Tuesday, September 26, 2006

You might be a Mormon if

Your car has more seats than your living room.

You have had to run for bread on Sunday morning.

You are 19 and own more than 1 white shirt and two ties.

You haven't kissed your girlfriend in two years.

You have kids in Every grade in the local elementary school.

More than 12 languages are spoken on your block.

There is a shrine to the 1984 national champions in your home.

Ainge, Roberts and Kite are on your all-time NBA team.

For you, a Triple Combination is not a 10 meter dive.

Your youngest brother is older than your favorite aunt.

Your wine cellar contains vintage Enfamil.

You get off only two Sundays a year.

You haven't bought new underwear in 7 years.

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