Monday, September 25, 2006

more Quorums of Seventy

Seventh and Eighth Quorums of the Seventy Announced =20
A recent First Presidency letter to priesthood leaders reads:=20

"With the additional members of the Fourth Quorum of the Seventy
approved at a recent general conference, the Seventh Quorum of the
Seventy has been organized from a division of the Fourth Quorum.

Members of the Seventh Quorum are drawn from the Brazil North, Brazil
South, Chile, and South America South Areas. The Fourth Quorum is
composed of brethren serving in the Central America, Mexico north,
Mexico south, South America North, and South America West Areas.

In addition, the large geographic area covered by the Third Quorum of
the Seventy has made it advisable to create the Eighth Quorum of the
Seventy. The new quorum is composed of Area Seventies from the Asia,
Asia North, Australia, New Zealand/Pacific islands, and Philippines
Areas. The Third quorum consists of brethren serving in the Africa
Southeast, Africa West, Europe Central, Europe east, and Europe West

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