Sunday, February 04, 2007

Fwd: Warren Jeffs taken to Hospital, Returned to Jail
Warren Jeffs taken to Hospital, Returned to Jail

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

FLDS leader, Warren Jeffs was taken to the hospital earlier this
week after he was found distressed.

Some former members of his polygamist group wonder if the incident had
to do with one of his prophecies.

Three years ago Jeffs prophesized that he would die a martyr and this
latest medical scare has former FLDS members, wondering if Jeffs is
getting a little nervous, that prophecy may not be fulfilled.

Ross Chatwin, former FLDS member: "Well if he doesn't die as he
prophesized here that I think that would be good for us."

Ross Chatwin was born into the FLDS religion.

He knew Warren Jeffs personally and says

Jeffs has told his followers he will be a martyr.

Ross Chatwin: "He just said that we has going to be just like the
prophet Joseph Smith."

Joseph Smith was the first prophet of the Church of Jesus Christ of
Latter Day Saints.

He was killed while in Carthidge Jail in 1844 by an angry mob.

Chatwin predicts if Jeffs dies as he prophesized his follower's faith
will become even stronger.

Jeffs was checked out Sunday morning by Purgatory jail medical staff
for heart problems.

He was taken to Dixie Regional Medical Center.

Because of privacy issues, we can't get specific details on his condition.

Jeffs checked out just fine and today he is in good health according
to Washington County Sheriff's Department.

Because he is such a high profile inmate, additional officers even
members of the SWAT team were called in to escort him.

Officials with Purgatory Jail are taking every precaution to keep
Jeffs alive and healthy.

Lt. Jake Adams, Washington County Sheriff's Department: "We're
monitoring him closely and making sure that he is getting enough
nutrition, food and the medical treatment he needs."

If Jeffs does stay alive while in jail, Chatwin predicts his followers
may question him as a prophet and Jeffs may be starting to get
nervous, too.

Ross Chatwin: "I think the reality is starting to set in…I think that
he is starting to realize that he has made some serious mistakes here
and it is starting to catch up with him."

Warren Jeffs has been in Purgatory Jail since September.
He was on the FBI's Most Wanted list and arrested in August after a
traffic stop on I15.

He faces charges of rape as an accomplice for arranging the marriage
of an underage girl to a member of his church

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