Friday, November 10, 2006

Communal Experiments Among Latter Day Saints & Other American Groups

2007 Conference Call for Papers
Communal Experiments Among Latter Day Saints & Other American Groups
Communal Experiments Among Latter Day Saints & Other American Groups is the theme for the 35th Annual Meeting of the John Whitmer Historical Association, to be held in Kirtland, Ohio on September 27–30, 2007.
Kirtland, Ohio, site of the first Latter Day Saint Temple, was also where Joseph Smith and his followers experimented with a communal economy during the 1830s. It is therefore fitting that our 2007 Kirtland conference explore this theme. However, participants may propose papers and panels on any aspect of Latter Day Saint history or communalism. Conference sessions will be held at the new Kirtland Temple Visitors Center and the Community of Christ Church.
The 2007 Conference will be held in coordination with the Communal Studies Association , with conference registrants able to attend either JWHA- or CSA-sponsored sessions.
Program Chair Barbara Walden invites scholars, students, researchers and enthusiasts to submit proposals for papers for the 2007 Conference. Please send all 1-page proposals with a brief CV by e-mail to: The deadline for proposals is February 28, 2007
Program Committee
  • Barbara Walden, Chair, Kirtland Temple, Kirtland, OH
  • Jody Blankenship, Ohio Historical Society, Columbus, OH
  • Andrew Bolton, Community of Christ, Independence, MO
  • Robin Jensen, LDS Family and Church History, Orem, UT
  • Greg Kofford, Greg Kofford Books, Salt Lake City, UT
  • Bill Shepard, Old Voree Strangite Properties, Voree, WI
  • Jan Shipps, Professor Emeritus, IUPUI, Bloomington, IN

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