Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Science & Religion

Harold B. Lee:
I have always thought it to be a dangerous assumption that there was a
clash or warfare between the fundamental teachings of the truths of
science and the teachings of true religion. If there is a
disagreement, it is because one or the other has not attained to the
truth. Both may be in error but they can't both be right. There was a
day when religionists held that the sun, moon, and lesser lights
placed in position by the Supreme Being were daily removed after the
work of that particular period was past. Their conclusions were not
correct, yet opposition to this view was regarded as heresy. The
science of astronomy as outlined by Copernicus explained that the
earth was not a flat disc, around which other bodies revolve, but was
one of a group of spheroidal planets moving about the sun. Some of the
religionists of that time thought they saw an argument against the
existence of a Supreme Being, and so that view was pronounced as
unscriptural and heretical. They, too, have been proven to have been
in error. On the other hand, as set forth by an eminent geologist of a
few years ago, "The laws of nature are the laws of God. If any given
scientific doctrine is true, the handiwork of God is behind the
operation. If it is true it argues for the existence of God."
(Teachings of Harold B. Lee p. 339)

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